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Journal of Theoretics
Empirical Evidence Supporting Macro-Scale
Quantum Holography in Non-Local Effects
Author: Benford MS <MSBenford@aol.com>
Abstract: This paper presents a plausible theory of
quantum holography to explain heretofore unexplained
non-local events and by revealing new empirical
evidence documenting the existence of such effects on
a macro-level.
Keywords: holography, distributedness, DelaWarr, fMRI.
Certain alternative healing therapies are
theorized to involve non-local effects that utilize an
etheric "élan vital" or vital energy. Proponents of
these techniques have claimed that this previously
unrecognized force infuses organisms with life
sustaining energies and/or balances existing energies
resulting in improved health. This long-standing and
widespread belief in the existence of an etheric
force, called "prana" by the Hindus, "chi" by the
Chinese, and "ki" by the Japanese, is the source most
often associated with the "soul, spirit, and mind."
In fact, there are references made to human energy
fields or the body’s aura in 97 different cultures,
according to John White in his book "Future Science."1
Equally mystifying and unexplainable are
the plethora of parapsychological (psi) phenomena that
are often referred to as extrasensory perception,
precognition, remote viewing, etc., and that have
evaded scientific description. Modern scientists have
repeatedly sought evidence for these unexplained psi
phenomena. Although staunchly criticized by mainstream
science, meta analysis of the psi experiments has
demonstrated that the probabilities of the reported
results occurring by chance was less than a trillion
to one.2
Two primary obstacles remain for the proponents of psi
phenomena and non-local effects:
1) a generalized theory sufficient to
describe the quantum mechanism of action of the
observed physical effects on a macro level, and
2) empirical and replicable evidence that
non-locality exists among macro-scale physical
This paper addresses these issues by
presenting a plausible theory of quantum holography
and revealing new empirical evidence that documents
the existence of such effects on a macro-level.
Quantum Holography
The theories of a holographically-based
universe were originally championed by two of the
world’s most eminent thinkers: physicist David Bohm, a
protégé of Einstein’s, and Karl Pribram, a
highly-respected neurophysiologist from Stanford
University. Their holographic model received dramatic
experimental support in 1982 when a research team led
by physicist Alain Aspect in Paris demonstrated that
the web of subatomic particles that compose our
physical universe, possesses what appears to be an
undeniable “holographic” property.
Much research exists regarding holographs
in nature. These studies show that dolphins, bats,
fish, flies, birds, and humans all process sensory
information holographically. Dolphins and bats
actually create holograms by transmitting acoustic
reference and object waves that are then reflected
back to the mammal for neural processing.3 In humans,
studies in chemical oscillations and oscillation
cellular dynamics strongly indicate that the
holographic concept exists not only on the neural
level but also on the cellular and molecular levels.
Holographs have a property called
“distributedness,” which means that any fractional
portion of the recorded hologram contains sufficient
information to reconstruct the complete original 3-D
information pattern. Consequently, it can be posited
that within humans that holographic biophysical
radiation can be present in blood, sputum, hair, and
other small subsets of the human subject due to this
holographic property of distributedness.
Russian scientists have likely measured
this holographic bioenergy without discovering its
holographic nature. Their research, which suggests the
existence of a previously undetectable subtle
radiation linked to physical DNA may support the
hypothesis of an intact energy field containing
relevant organismal information that is capable of
being coupled to an optical imaging device. The DNA
optical radiation effect was first observed in Moscow
at the Russian Academy of Sciences as a surprise
effect during experiments measuring the vibrational
modes of DNA in solution using a sophisticated laser
photon correlation spectrometer.4,5 The Russian
experiments revealed that when DNA was removed from
the scattering chamber, post-measurements looked
distinctly different from the ones obtained before the
DNA was placed in the chamber. This observation was
contrary to the expectation that the autocorrelation
function would return to pre-test baselines.
After duplicating the initial experiment
many times with re-calibrated equipment, the
scientists were forced to accept the working
hypothesis that some new field structure was being
excited from the physical vacuum. In turn, this
phenomenon was dubbed the “DNA phantom” in order to
emphasize that its origin was related, but not
physically linked, to the actual DNA. The new feature
that makes this discovery distinctly different from
many other previously undertaken attempts to measure
and identify bioenergy fields is that the field of the
DNA phantom has the ability to be coupled to
conventional electromagnetic fields of laser radiation
and, as a consequence, can be reliably detected and
positively identified using standard optical
“The percipient, or system sensing the
information, and the source of information are in a
resonant relationship for the information to be
accurately perceived. . . . discovery of the non-local
quantum hologram created by the absorption/ remission
phenomenon and characteristic of all physical objects
provides the first quantum physical mechanism
compatible with macro-scale three dimensional world as
we experience it.... Non-locality and the non-local
quantum hologram provide the only testable mechanism
discovered to date which offer a possible solution to
the host of enigmatic observations and data associated
with consciousness and such consciousness phenomena.
Schempp (1992) has successfully validated the concept
of recovery and utilization of non-local quantum
information in the case of functional Magnetic
Resonance Imaging (fMRI) using quantum holography.
Marcer (1995) has made compelling arguments that a
number of other chemical and electromagnetic processes
in common use have a deeper quantum explanation that
is not revealed by the classical interpretation of
these processes. Hammeroff (1994) and Penrose have
presented experimental data on microtubules in the
brain supporting quantum processes.”6
Evidence of Macro-Scale Quantum Holograms
One of the most successful subtle-energy
researchers of all time, British engineer George
DelaWarr, built a remote imaging camera in the 1950’s.
Using only a test object provided from the subject
such as a small blood, sputum, or hair sample, this
device photographically images the subject’s internal
conditions at a distance, with a high degree of
An unique feature of the DelaWarr system
is that it is able to detect diseases in the
pre-clinical stages prior to detection by conventional
techniques such as physical examination, X-ray, CT
scan, or Magnetic Resonance Imaging. The theory for
this is that the DelaWarr system is detecting and
recording the known quantum holographic information,
which provides a specific informational frequency
available via the test object for a specified disease
and/or state of existence. The frequency information
associated with a particular disease and/or condition
exists at the very beginning of the corruption and/or
transition process, even before physiological changes
have occurred on the macro-scale. It is only when a
designated frequency is present that an image will be
detected and photographically recorded. If this
unique frequency is not present, no image will be
recorded; thus, leaving the photographic material
blank. A common analogy would be tuning a radio dial
to 101.3 MHz and receiving nothing because no radio
station is transmitting at that frequency and in that
Preliminary Research
In 1951, a research project was instituted
at St. Bartholomew’s hospital in London to study the
applicability of using the DelaWarr system to detect
various disease conditions under controlled
conditions. A physician was trained to use the
system, and the camera was transported from the
DelaWarr Laboratories to the hospital. More than 400
remote images were captured using a drop of blood as
the “witness,” or test object, for each patient. In
order to control for fraud and/or deception in
obtaining the images, some of the images were produced
with the doctor “blinded” to the patient’s condition.
In these randomly selected cases, the validating data
were abstracted from medical records and/or autopsy
files after the pertinent remote images were produced.
This safeguard was implemented to ascertain whether
accuracy in image formation was linked to the
operator’s prior knowledge of the patient’s condition.
These tests demonstrated that pre-knowledge was not a
factor in producing diagnosis-quality photographs.7
A recent discovery by the author reveals
that the DelaWarr images vary from X-rays in that they
produced a spatially-encoded three-dimensional (3-D)
effect (see Photograph 1A), similar to those possible
via fMRI, which is detectable with the use of VP-8
image analysis technology (see Photograph 1B) and
computerized digital 3-D software (see Photographs 1C,
Photo 1A. This original DelaWarr photograph was taken
at the request of a distant patient who wished to
determine her precise stage of pregnancy. The
photograph reflected the fetal development between 8
and 12 weeks gestation (later confirmed by delivery
date). a significant amount of skeletal structure can
be seen in this image. Reprinted from Day L. (with
DelaWarr G.) New Worlds Beyond the Atom. Republished
by EP Publishing Limited, 1973; Fig. 30.
Photo 1B (above). This rendering of the original
DelaWarr photograph (1A) was created with the usage of
a VP-8 analog analyzer that converts image density
(lights and darks) into vertical relief (shadows and
highlights). A normal photograph does not result in a
three-dimensional image but in a rather distorted
jumble of "shapes." Note the distinctive curvature of
the fetus' head.
Photo 1C (above). This rendering of the original
DelaWarr photograph (1A) was created with the usage of
Bryce4® software that digitally converts image density
(lights and darks) into vertical relief (shadows and
highlights). Note the additional spatial detail and
three-dimensional nature of the photograph.
Photo 2C (above left) shows a 3-D examination of the
wire's curvature (shown above in photo 2B, bottom
right). This is an aspect of evaluation that is
unavailable through the simple 2-D photo analysis
(shown above in photo 2A, top right). This
characteristic highlights the unique spatial encoding
available in the DelaWarr photos and validates the
authenticity of the true nature of the collected
The VP-8 Image Analyzer is an analog device while the
commercially-available Bryce4® Software is digital.
Both techniques convert image density (lights and
darks) into vertical relief (shadows and highlights).
When using either the VP-8 or 3-D software systems, a
normal photograph does not result in a
three-dimensional image but in a rather distorted
jumble of "shapes." X-ray images, although spatially
superior to routine photographs, are also
characteristically distorted (see Photograph 3B
Photo 3B (left). Bryce4® 3-D rendering of Standard
X-ray of a female pelvis (photo 3A above right).
although spatially superior to routine photographs,
X-rays are also characteristically distorted. Note
the flattening of the bones and diffuse solid tissue.
Yet the images of the DelaWarr photos yield very
accurate and well-formed three-dimensional reliefs, as
clearly evident in the representations that provided
for Photographs 1 and 2. The observer can select
numerous angles from which to review the captured
information as well as multiple 3-D relief patterns.
Full rotation around the organ and/or object is
possible with the digital computer software, thus
permitting significantly enhanced medical assessments.
Most convincing of the true holographic
nature of these images is the fact that certain
information about the object is only available on the
3-D reconstruction and not in the original image
produced by DelaWarr. For instance, in Photograph 2A,
the curvature of the wire lodged in the cow’s stomach
is represented in the 2D image as a highlighted line.
However, upon analysis of the 3-D photograph, the
distinct curvature of the wire is clearly delineated
(see previous Photograph 2C).
Mechanism of Operation
To better understand the operation, one
must first ask: what is the relationship between the
test object and the subject? Second, how does the
test object carry and transfer complete information of
the subject? Third, how is this information optically
obtained by the DelaWarr system? One theory is that
the test object contains a complete quantum hologram
that can affect optical systems and, under the right
conditions, produce a holographic-like image. To make
a hologram, two optical waves are needed: a reference
wave and an object wave. These two waves make a 3-D
holographic image by creating an interference pattern
frozen in space-time. Both waves are spatially and
temporally coherent at the moment of creation, then
separated. The object wave is directed towards the
object and it experiences intensity changes and
phase-shifts. Normal 2-D photographs record only the
intensity changes of the object wave and not the
phase-shifts. However, when a reference wave is
directed back towards the emitted object wave, an
interference pattern is created that records the
phase-shifts of the object wave relative to the
reference wave. These phase-shifts are what produce
the apparent freezing in space-time of the object’s
3-D image. “In the absence of space/time
(electromagnetic) signals to establish the
phase-conjugate-adaptive-resonance (pcar) condition
and to provide a basis for decoding the quantum
hologram, an icon representing an object seems to be
sufficient to allow the brain to focus on the object
and to establish the pcar condition. However, a
reference signal is also required to provide decoding
of the encoded holographic phase dependent
information. Marcer (1998) has established, using
Huygen's principle of waves and secondary sources,
that any waves reverberating through the universe
remain coherent with the waves at the source, and are
thus sufficient to serve as the reference to decode
the holographic information of any quantum hologram
emanating from remote locations.”8
The question still remains: how is the
quantum holographic pattern recorded with the DelaWarr
system? Holography requires a reference wave being
redirected towards the object radiation wave in order
to recreate the holographic image. With the DelaWarr
system, a reference wave originating from the directed
intention of the camera operator is put in circuit
with the object wave. These two radiation waves are
combined creating a holographic interference pattern
which is recorded on a photographic material. The
following experiment validates the possibility of this
information transfer between the test object, camera
operator, and photographic image.
In 1993, an international group of six
scientists, including IBM physicist Charles H.
Bennett, demonstrated that photon quantum
informational characteristics can be transmitted
instantaneously between two laboratories independent
of space-time. In brief, they found a way to scan and
leave out a subset of information from object A (test
object radiation wave), while causing the remaining
(unscanned) part of the information to pass into
another object C (photographic material) which has
never been in contact with A. The unscanned part of
the information was conveyed from A to C by an
intermediary object B (the reference radiation wave or
camera operator radiation wave), which first interacts
with C (the photographic material) and then with A.9
This subtle kind of information transfer,
also called the Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen (EPR)
correlation or "entanglement," has been partly
understood since the 1930’s when it was discussed in a
famous paper by Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky, and
Nathan Rosen. In the 1960’s John Bell showed that a
pair of entangled particles, which were once in
contact or coherent but later move too far apart to
interact directly, can exhibit individually random
behavior that is too strongly correlated to be
explained by classical statistics. Experiments on
photons and other particles have repeatedly confirmed
these correlations, thereby providing strong evidence
for the validity of quantum mechanics. Another
well-known fact about EPR correlations is that they
cannot by themselves deliver a meaningful and
controllable message. It was thought that their only
usefulness was in proving the validity of quantum
mechanics. However, now it is known that, through the
phenomenon of quantum space-time independent
coherence, specific information can be correlated
through certain processes. Quantum information that
is extremely refined and delicate can be delivered by
non-quantum or Newtonian methods.10
Recent experimental data (1997) supports
the Bennett et al. conclusions.11 It is believed that
this A, B, and C correlation may be responsible for
the interaction occurring between the subject, the
test object, the operator of the camera, and the
camera itself that is used to produce the images.
The case for mind/mind, mind/matter, and
mind/energy interactions is well documented with
staggering probabilities against chance having
produced the results. “The discovery of the non-local
quantum hologram, which is theoretically sound and
experimentally validated in at least one application,
the fMRI, is sufficient to postulate that the quantum
hologram is a solution to the foregoing enigma.
Further, recognition that the quantum hologram is a
macro-scale, non-local, information structure
described by the standard formalism of quantum
mechanics extends quantum mechanics to all physical
objects including DNA molecules, organic cells,
organs, brains, and bodies. The discovery of a
solution which seems to resolve so many phenomena, and
also that points to the fact that in many instances
classical theory is incomplete without including the
subtle non-local components involved, suggests a major
paradigm change must be forthcoming.”12
Further, the recent discovery of the
information-containing 3-D spatial-encoding within the
original DelaWarr remotely-obtained images, provides
compelling evidence that macro-scale quantum
holography is, indeed, a replicable and acceptable
phenomenon. The intention required by the operator of
the DelaWarr system to extract usable information from
a quantum hologram forces us to conclude that evolved
consciousness is antecedent in producing measurable
non-local causal events.
1. White J, Krippner S, eds.: Future Science: Life
Energies and the Physics of the Paranormal. Garden
City, NY: Anchor/Doubleday, 1977; 97.
2. Radin D. The Conscious Universe. San Francisco,
CA: Harper, 1997; 150-155.
3. Greguss P. Holographic Concept in Nature. In:
Holography in medicine: proceedings of the
International Symposium on Holography in Biomedical
Sciences. New York, 1973; 100.
4. Gariaev PP, Grigor'ev KV, Vasil'ev AA, Poponin VP,
Shcheglov VA. Investigation of the Fluctuation
Dynamics of DNA Solutions by Laser Correlation
Spectroscopy. Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics
Institute, 1992:11-12; 23-30.
5. Gariaev PP, Poponin VP. Vacuum DNA phantom effect
in vitro and its possible rational explanation.
Nanobiology 1995 (in press).
6. Mitchell ED. Nature's Mind: The Quantum Hologram,
International Journal of Computing Anticipatory
Systems, Volume 7, Fuzzy Systems, Genetic and Neural
Algorithms, Quantum Neural Information Processing :
New Technology ? New Biology ? Partial Proceedings of
the Third International Conference CASYS'99 on
Computing Anticipatory Systems, Liège, Belgium,
August 9-14, 1999, D. M. Dubois (Ed.), Publ. by CHAOS,
pp. 295-312, 2000.
7. Day L. (with DelaWarr G.). New Worlds Beyond the
Atom. Republished by EP Publishing Limited, 1973;
8. Mitchell ED. Nature's Mind: The Quantum Hologram,
International Journal of Computing Anticipatory
Systems, Volume 7, Fuzzy Systems, Genetic and Neural
Algorithms, Quantum Neural Information Processing :
New Technology ? New Biology ? Partial Proceedings of
the Third International Conference CASYS'99 on
Computing Anticipatory Systems, Liège, Belgium,
August 9-14, 1999, D. M. Dubois (Ed.), Publ. by CHAOS,
pp. 295-312, 2000.
9. Bennett CH, Brassard G, Crepeau C, Jozsa R, Peres
A, Wootters W. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1993:70; 1895-1899.
10. Sudbury T. Instant Teleportation. Nature.
1993:362; 586-587.
11. Bouwmeester D, Pan J-W, Mattle K, Eibl M,
Weinfurter H, Zeilinger A. Experimental quantum
teleportation. Nature. 1997:390; 575-579.
12. Mitchell ED. Nature's Mind: The Quantum Hologram,
International Journal of Computing Anticipatory
Systems, Volume 7, Fuzzy Systems, Genetic and Neural
Algorithms, Quantum Neural Information Processing :
New Technology ? New Biology ? Partial Proceedings of
the Third International Conference CASYS'99 on
Computing Anticipatory Systems, Liège, Belgium, August
9-14, 1999, D. M. Dubois (Ed.), Publ. by CHAOS, pp.
295-312, 2000.
The author is grateful to Drs. Jon Klimo
and Peter Moscow for introducing her to the DelaWarr
technology. Also, to Kim Fortier for suggesting a
possible link between the images and classical
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